Testing & Bug Fixing
Every effort has been made to verify the numerical results produced by InVivoStat. Where no verification was possible, a warning is given in the log. A list of test cases that have been performed, and associated documentation, is available upon request. It should be noted that InVivoStat should not be used for the analysis of regulatory studies unless you have performed your own system validation. Note InVivoStat uses analysis algorithms developed using the R language, see Clark et al, (2012) for more information.
Bugs and Fixes
As with any software there is always the risk of bugs being present in the program. If you experience an error, are suspicious about the results or the software itself crashes, then please report this to: InVivoStat@hotmail.co.uk
To identify if InVivoStat has failed to complete an analysis look out for the references section at the end of the output. If this section is not present, then InVivoStat did not complete the analysis as planned.
We aim to answer your query as soon as possible. We may request a copy of the data and a list of options selected in order to recreate the problem.