Useful Links
- BAP (British Association for Psychopharmacolgy)
- Preclinical Certificate in Psychopharmacology training course
Featuring InVivoStat in the Statistics module.
- Preclinical Certificate in Psychopharmacology training course
- NC3Rs (UK National Center for the 3Rs)
- FELASA (Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations)
- FRAME (Fund for the replacement of animals in medical experiments)
- LASA (Laboratory Animal Association)
- The 15 steps in the design and statistical analysis of experiments involving laboratory animals
Animal experiments must be well designed, efficiently executed, correctly analyzed, clearly presented, and correctly interpreted to be ethically acceptable. This page sets out the principles of good design.
- The 15 steps in the design and statistical analysis of experiments involving laboratory animals
- 3Rs-Reduction
An interactive short course on experimental design for research scientists working with laboratory animals
General References
- Improving Bioscience Research Reporting: The ARRIVE Guidelines for Reporting Animal Research. Kilkenny et al. (2010)
Describes a new framework for reporting results of statistical analyses. - Reducing the Use of Animals in Research through Better Experimental Design. Festing et al. (2002)
Good all round text book covering the interface between laboratory animal science, experimental design and statistics. Suitable for non-statisticians. - Survey of the Quality of Experimental Design, Statistical Analysis and Reporting of Research Using Animals. Kilkenny et al. (2010)
Survey on the use of statistics in recent published papers.